
  • 产品名称:Setra model209

  • 产品型号:model209/C209
  • 产品厂商:SETRA
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ApplicationsFuel Cells Hydraulic Systems Compressor Control Industrial Engines Industrial OEM Equipment HVAC/R Equipment Setra model209Pressure Transducer

Setra model209 Setra model209 Setra model209 Setra model209
Model 209/C209 - High Accuracy/Low Range Pressure
Setra model209


  • Fuel Cells
  • Hydraulic Systems
  • Compressor Control
  • Industrial Engines
  • Industrial OEM Equipment
  • HVAC/R Equipment
Model 209/C209 Specifications
Full Scale Pressure OutputModel 209 (Voltage):
5.5 VDC on 12 & 24 VDC Excitation
4.5 VDC on 5 VDC Excitation
Model C209 (Current):
20 mA
Zero Pressure Output0.5 VDC on 12 & 24 VDC Excitation
0.5 VDC on 5 VDC Excitation
4 mA
(RSS Method)
±0.25% Full Scale
Type of PressureGage
Sealed Gage
Pressure Ranges0 to 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 3000, 5000, 
10000 psig
0 to 500, 1000, 3000, 5000 psis
-14.7 to 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 3000, 5000, 10000 psig
(other ranges as low as 1 psig available)
Thermal Effects
Thermal Compensation °F (°C):
-4 to 176 (-20 to 80)
±2.0 (±3.6)
±1.5 (±2.7)
MediaGases or liquids compatible with 17-4PH stainless steel. (Hydrogen not recommended for use with 17-4PH stainless steel)

Click here for full data sheet Model 209                               Setra model209 Pressure Transducer

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