
  • 产品名称:Setra model276 Low Cost Barometric

  • 产品型号:model 276
  • 产品厂商:SETRA
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Setra model276 Low Cost Barometric Pressure Transducer,Weather and Environmental Data Logging, Clean Rooms, Automotive Emissions, Altitude Applications
Setra model276 Low Cost Barometric Pressure Transducer
Setra model276 Low Cost Barometric
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Setra model276 Low Cost Barometric Barometric Pressure Measurement Setra model276 Low Cost Barometric Setra model276 Low Cost Barometric Setra model276 Low Cost Barometric
Model 276
Low Cost Barometric Pressure Transducer
Setra model276 Low Cost Barometric


  • Weather and Environmental
  • Data Logging
  • Clean Rooms
  • Automotive Emissions
  • Altitude Applications
Model 276 Specifications
Excitation/ Output 12 VDC (9.0 to 14.50) / 0.1 to 5.1 VDC
24 VDC (21.6 to 26.0) / 0.1 to 5.1 VDC
5 VDC (4.9 to 7.1) / 0.5 to 4.5 VDC 
(RSS Method)
±0.25% Full Scale
Type of Pressure Barometric
Pressure Ranges 600 to 1100 hPa/mb
800 to 1100 hPa/mb
0 to 20 psia
Thermal Effects
Compensated Range °F (°C):
30 to 130 (0 to 55)
±1.0 (±1.8)
±1.0 (±1.8)
Media Non-condensing air or gas compatible with stainless steel, alumina ceramics, gold, and elastomer sealant.

Click here for data sheet Model 276

Pressure Transducer,Weather and Environmental Data Logging, Clean Rooms, Automotive Emissions, Altitude Applications
需要中文可以找司索要,beifeng1011@163.com   zson02@nohken1718.com
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